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Published at ENEMEEZ

If you are dealing with the discomfort of constipation, you are not alone. Constipation is one of the most common gastrointestinal conditions, affecting nearly 42 million Americans, and the number grows each year.

People at risk for acute constipation include those with:

  • Imposed immobility
  • A change in routine such as traveling or a new job
  • Changes in diet
  • Stress
  • Certain medications (opioids are one of the most common)

How does a mini enema work?

The active ingredient, docusate sodium, works by drawing water into the bowel from surrounding tissues and mixing with the stool to create watery bowel movements. The increased stool mass stimulates the nerve endings in the rectum to promote bowel evacuation. It does not stimulate peristalsis in the bowel.

A mini enema is ideal when a fast, predictable bowel movement is desired with minimal volume.

How do you give a mini enema?

With steady pressure, you will gently insert the tube into the rectum. Insert up to the shoulder of the tube only. Squeeze to empty the liquid content. Keep the tube squeezed until it is removed from the rectum.

What are the benefits of using an enema?

Enemas help relieve discomfort and improve your ability to pass stool. They are safe for occasional use when treating constipation, IBD, or when you’re preparing for a procedure.

Learn more about mini enemas at ENEMEEZ.


ENEMEEZĀ® has been a preferred and trusted formula assisting people in improving their bowel care needs for more than 15 years.